For questions please contact us
If you would like more information, please contact us using the form below. If you would like to obtain more information about pottery, please first read the procedure to be followed for determinations and appraisals.Visiting address
Glaslaan 29
9521 GG Nieuw-Buinen (Drenthe)
The Netherlands
Contact us
Tel.: +31 (0)599 61 60 90
Fax: +31 (0)599 62 12 10
Bank details
IBAN: NL33 RABO 0360 777090
Company information
Chamber of Commerce number: 41019198
Fiscal Code: 816651607
Case number: 79783

Registered with ANBI
The Keramisch Museum Goedewaagen has been recognized by the Fiscus as a Public Benefit Organization and thus qualifies for deductible donations.