
disabled-toilet-ceramic museum goedewaagen

Wheelchair accessible

The Ceramics Museum Goedewaagen is fully accessible for wheelchair users. The following facilities are available: wheelchair and disabled toilet

Parking free of charge - Disabled parking

Free parking

The Ceramics Museum Goedewaagen is fully accessible for wheelchair users. The following facilities are available: wheelchair and disabled toilet

Directions, by car or public transport

By car

From or through the city of Groningen:

Follow the motorway in the direction of Zwolle (A28/E232) until the exit Emmen, follow the N34. At Borger turn right in the direction of Nieuw Buinen (N374). At Nieuw Buinen turn right on the roundabout at the sign Industrieterrein "Industrieweg"; follow Dwarsdiep until just past the statue Glasblazer (also see the signs Museum Goedewaagen); turn left on the 2nd road = Glaslaan and drive on to the end of the road.

From Randstad:

From Amersfoort follow the motorway in the direction of Zwolle (A28/E232) until the exit Hoogeveen (A37). Follow the A37 until Emmen and take the exit N34 towards Borger. At Borger turn right in the direction of Nieuw Buinen (N374). At Nieuw Buinen turn right on the roundabout at the sign Industrieterrein "Industrieweg". Follow Dwarsdiep until just past the statue Glasblazer (also see the signs Museum Goedewaagen); turn left on the 2nd road = Glaslaan and drive on to the end of the road.

From the south of the Netherlands:

From Arnhem, follow the motorway (A50) in the direction of Zwolle. Follow the A28 until Hoogeveen (A37). Follow the A37 until Emmen and take the exit N34 towards Borger. At Borger, turn right in the direction of Nieuw Buinen (N374). At Nieuw Buinen, turn right at the roundabout and follow the sign Industrieterrein "Industrieweg". Follow Dwarsdiep until just past the Glasblazer statue (also see the signs for Museum Goedewaagen); turn left at the 2nd road = Glaslaan and continue until the end of the road.

By public transport

The Ceramic Museum Goedewaagen can be reached from Assen, Groningen and Emmen with several bus lines of Qbuzz, see

On approach routes with buses 73, 28 and 15 from or to Stadskanaal, the bus stop is the '2e afdraai Stadskanaal';

then over footbridge, turn left, over railway line and turn right onto Glaslaan; 7 minutes' walk.

When arriving by bus 24, get off Dwarsdiep, Nieuw Buinen, at the Glasblazer sculpture stop; turn left on the 2nd road = Glaslaan and continue to the end of the road.