Press information archive 2017
- Volunteers needed at the Goedewaagen Ceramic Museum, Weekpost, 26-11-2017
- Collector of the year' helps Goedewaagen, Boelo Lutgert, RTV1, 04-10-2017
- Theatre makers want to present a positive image of the Veenkoloniën, Boelo Lutgert, RTV1, 25-09-2017
- Forgotten Glass Factory of G. Nanninga, Friggo Visser, in: magazine d'Oude Flesch, 17-09-2017
- Being proud of the peat - Veenkracht, Paul Abrahams, Kanaalstreek-Ter Apeler Courant, 06-09-2017
- Gerardus Nanninga's forgotten glass factory in Nieuw Buinen 1960-1980, Fjoezz, p. 48, 02-09-2017
- Gerardus Nanninga's forgotten glass factory in Nieuw Buinen 1960-1980, Fjoezz, p. 49, 02-09-2017
- Monuments on tiles of Plateelbakkerij Zenith, Reformatorisch Dagblad, 21-08-2017
- The Forgotten Glass Factory in Nieuw Buinen', Boelo Lutgert, RTV1, 23-07-2017
- Working around glass oven of 1200 degrees', Jaap van Brummelen, Dagblad van het Noorden, edition Emmen, 10-07-2017
- Opening summer exhibition Glaswerk, Kanaalstreek, 05-07-2017
- Ceramic Museum Goedewaagen and De Stijl', Piet Augustijn, Klei, p. 22, July-August 2017
- Wilhelmina tableau in Ceramic Museum Goedewaagen', Piet Augustijn, Klei, p. 24, May-June 2017
- Nederland knit in ceramics, Piet Augustijn, in Klei, Mar-Apr 2017, p. 22
- The potters of the Veluwe, Piet Augustijn, in: Clay, Jan-Feb 2017, p. 22
- The King too rich with glass of Nanninga, Jaap van Brummelen, Dagblad van het Noorden, Zuidoost-Drenthe, 28-02-2017
- Curator discovers unusual story Wilhelmina tableau, Boelo Lutgert, RTV-1 (Veendam and Stadskanaal), 26-02-2017
- Wilhelmina brought home, Jaap van Brummelen, Dagblad van het Noorden, Drenthe editions, 03-02-2017
- Knit a boulder, Noorderbreedte, Jrg. 41, Feb. 2017, p. 123
- Glazed wizards, in: magazin Verzamelen, febr. 2017, p. 41
- Ceramic Museum Goedewaagen, in: Veenkoloniale Almanak, no. 29-2017, p. 176-177
Source: RTV1, 25-09-2017
Source: RTV-1, 23 July 2017
Source: RTV-1, Veendam-Stadskanaal_2017-02-26_Conservator discovers special story Wilhelmina tableau