News Archive 2016
- Monuments weekend Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 September
The theme of the 2016 monument weekend is icons and symbols. On Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 September from 1 to 5 p.m., the Goedewaagen Ceramics Museum offers a reduced entrance fee of € 2 per person to visit the special new exhibitions on more than 175 years of manufacturing industry in Nieuw Buinen.
The museum staff are conducting extensive historical research into this combination of high-quality craftsmanship and technical innovations, which is unique in Drenthe and certainly in the northern Netherlands, not to mention the availability of good and cheap fuel.
On Sunday afternoon, 12 September, at 2.30 p.m., curator Friggo Visser will give a Powerpoint lecture on the subject. Remarkable source discoveries appear to be particularly inaccurate recent press reports about the regional glass industry. There is also news about the pottery production in Nieuw Buinen from potter Müller (Mulder) from 1840 to Royal Goedewaagen from 1963.(Photo) Goedewaagen, tile 1939: d'Halve Maen, the first Dutch ship to North America (this iconic tile is wanted by the museum.
- On Saturday afternoon, 23 January, starting at 2 p.m., the Goedewaagen Ceramics Museum will be celebrating the close of a special year in 2015, in which the museum underwent radical renovation, two new museum rooms were added and, finally, the collection was enriched with high-quality loans and donations,
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