Goedewaagen Ceramics Museum

Guided tours

Aanvragen voor groepen van minimaal 4 personen dienen minimaal twee dagen van tevoren ingediend te worden en ook dit uitsluitend via mail@keramischmuseumgoedewaagen.nlRondleidingen door de fabrieksateliers zijn niet mogelijk. Het museum documenteert in meerdere films uitgebreid de aardewerk productie bij Goedewaagen. Voor door de week zijn in het inmiddels sterk uitgebreide museum wel rondleidingen eveneens op aanvraag via de mail mogelijk voor jong en oud.

Goedewaagen Ceramic Museum in Nieuw-Buinen (Drenthe)

The museum can be found on the provincial border of Drenthe and Groningen in Nieuw Buinen. The museum is a legally and financially independent foundation from the adjacent Royal Goedewaagen ceramics factory.

Visit Ceramic Museum Goedewaagen

Wat kan ik bij een bezoek verwachten? Op zaal laat het museum in wisseltentoonstellingen en in een langer durende presentatie van aardewerk uit Art Nouveau en Art Déco tezamen ongeveer 800 objecten zien. Zie voor het expositieprogramma tentoonstellingen, voor de topstukken collectie en voor nieuwe aanwinsten schenkingen. In de tussenhal van het museum bevindt zich de Gouda Thesaurus. Op een daar geplaatste PC zijn voor de exposities en lezingen vanaf het jaar 2000 een 60-tal Powerpoint-catalogi op te roepen met om en nabij 10.000 beredeneerde afbeeldingen. Het museum is op woensdag – Donderdag – Vrijdag geopend van 12:00 tot 16:00 uur en in het weekend van 13:00 tot 17:00 uur. Entreeprijzen zijn € 6,00 voor volwassenen en € 3,00 voor kinderen van 6 t/m 17 jaar.

The museum has prepared two major exhibitions in recent months. On the basis of a donation of more than 400 pieces of ceramics from a number of factories of the Goedewaagen group by the Meines family from Niebert, the museum is presenting the exhibition 'Goedewaagen's 20th century heritage of utility and decorative earthenware'. In close cooperation with a large number of private collectors from the Netherlands and the USA and with the assistance of the Drents Museum, the museum is also presenting a unique research project on the innovative art ceramics of the Porceleyne Fles from the period 1891-1914. Researcher Bart Verbrugge has compiled a richly illustrated publication on this theme.

Porceleyne Fles, porcelain bisque with decorations in matt green and gold, 1902, h. 41.8 cm; on loan coll. Meentwijck
Porceleyne Fles, porcelain bisque with decorations in matt green and gold, 1902, h. 41.8 cm; on loan coll. Meentwijck
Goedewaagen, coffee service Goudboon, 1957, for Smith, a coffee roaster in Groningen
Goedewaagen, coffee service Goudboon, 1957, for Smith, a coffee roaster in Groningen

Guided tours of museum and factory workshops?

. Maak wel minstens 24 uur van te voren een afspraak.

Goedewaagen, coffee service Goudboon, 1957, for Smith, a coffee roaster in Groningen
Goedewaagen, coffee service Goudboon, 1957, for Smith, a coffee roaster in Groningen

I have questions about the origin, age, trade price and insurance value of Dutch pottery.

The Royal Goedewaagen Earthenware Factory does not give any further information about what this factory and the eight other companies that merged into the Goedewaagen group produced in the past centuries. The museum has been doing so since 1998 and provides, as far as possible, thorough information about decorated Dutch earthenware from the period after 1875, the beginning of the industrial age for ceramics. The museum, which is not subsidised by any government, charges a modest fee for this public service of online determinations and valuations. See for the conditions determinations and valuations.
Curator Friggo Visser values a wall plate of the PZH painted by Jan van Schaick in department store Vanderveen in Assen. (Photography: DvhN, 23-11-2013)
Curator Friggo Visser values a wall plate of the PZH painted by Jan van Schaick in department store Vanderveen in Assen. (Photography: DvhN, 23-11-2013)

Can I paint pottery myself?

More favourably than anywhere else in the Netherlands, the Ceramic Museum Goedewaagen offers the opportunity to paint ceramics yourself. A unique experience for family and friend groups, school classes and business associations. Especially as the opportunity is given to make one's own choice of earthenware to be painted. Each painting workshop includes a guided tour of the museum.

Pupils of the Green School in Hoogeveen at a painting workshop in January 2008 - 01
Pupils of the Green School in Hoogeveen at a painting workshop in January 2008
Pupils of the Green School in Hoogeveen at a painting workshop in January 2008.
Pupils of the Green School in Hoogeveen at a painting workshop in January 2008.

Can you also advise on a necessary restoration?

Since 2011, the Ceramic Museum Goedewaagen also offers a restoration service. For this purpose, the museum is working together with Mrs. Hanne Friederichs from Leek, a highly experienced and knowledgeable restorer who works for MuseumgoudA, the Drents Museum, the Museum Het Princessehof and many major collectors. Whenever possible, Mrs Friederichs holds a meeting in the museum on the last Sunday afternoon of the month. See the bi-monthly programme of activities.

Restorer Hanne Friederichs at work (Photography: www.dekoppele.nl)
Restorer Hanne Friederichs at work (Photography: www.dekoppele.nl)
Goedewaagen pipe with dog and lens, c. 1900; part of an almost 300-piece pipe collection of J. Alblas; purchased and donated to the museum by the Dutch Federation of Pipe Smokers.

I would like to make a donation.

The collection of the Keramisch Museum Goedewaagen has grown considerably in recent years. This is partly due to the special tax opportunities associated with donations to a museum recognised as a charity by the tax authorities. As of June 2011, the ANBI-regulation is applicable to the museum. Further information about donations is available from the executive committee of the foundation.